• Built-in sensitive GLONASS / GPS and
    GSM antennas
  • 2G modem
  • 2 SIM cards
20 % discount on all trackers
The promotion is valid until January
  • Built-in sensitive GLONASS / GPS and
    GSM antennas
  • 2G modem
  • 2 SIM cards
20 % discount on all trackers
The promotion is valid until January
types of equipment available
in the market for 10 years
satisfied customers
package solutions
Hidden installation, equipped with its own power source and the ability to control without connecting to the power grid, makes the tracker ideal for organizing the work of the fleet.
Fuel level sensor
Fuel metering and consumption sensors in monitoring systems allow you to accurately monitor, analyze and take into account data on the consumption of liquid fuel on various types of vehicles in real time.
Additional sensor
Modules and sensors that together make it possible to control the route of the car, fuel consumption, speed limit, the number of openings and closings of body doors.

Who We Are

LLC «Alpha» is a Federal distributor of a number of equipment manufacturers in the following areas: GPS/GLONASS monitoring of transport and fuel control other control systems of mechanisms.

Our clients are not only successful and long –established integrators on the market, but also start-up companies. 

We will help you choose the best solution, both for the price and for the necessary functionality of equipment and software, and the wide range of solutions offered by us will always give You the necessary freedom of choice!

Minimum response time to the client's request
Reliable and timely delivery
We offer a comprehensive solution to Your problem
Extended warranty when participating in the partner program
Additional and special discounts for large orders
Products have passed all the necessary certification stages

Our Latest products

  • Built-in sensitive GLONASS/GPS and GSM-antennas
  • Power protection and input lines protection up to 200V
  • 2G modem
  • 1 SIM-card
  • 3 universal input lines
  • 2 control output lines
  • Bluetooth 4.0
  • Built-in sensitive GPS/GLONASS- and GSM-antennas
  • Built-in battery 110 mA/h
  • Power protection and input lines protection up to 200V
  • 2G modem
  • 1 SIM-card
  • 3 universal input lines
  • 2 control output lines
  • 1-Wire
  • Bluetooth 4.0
  • Built-in sensitive GLONASS/GPS and GSM-antennas
  • Power protection and input lines protection up to 200V
  • 2G modem
  • 1 SIM-card
  • 3 universal input lines
  • 2 control output lines
  • RS-485 and 1-Wire interfaces
  • Bluetooth 4.0
  • Built-in sensitive GPS/GLONASS- and GSM-antennas
  • Built-in battery 110 mA/h
  • Power protection and input lines protection up to 200V
  • 2G modem
  • 1 SIM-card
  • 3 universal input lines
  • 2 control output lines
  • Interfaces: RS-485 and 1-Wire
  • Bluetooth 4.0

The sensor is made in a vandal-resistant aluminum alloy housing and has a connector and landing dimensions according to industry standards, it is used to measure the level of liquids and fuels in containers up to 2000 mm high. The device can be integrated as part of a remote monitoring system with any equipment that has an RS-485 or RS-232 interface that supports the LLS Protocol.

We took into account Your wishes and made the installation and maintenance of the sensor easier and more convenient in comparison with the previous model, upgraded the radio frequency part of the DUT-R7 transceiver. And that's not all…

The sensor does not have an external power supply. There are no wires between the sensor and the terminal.

  • non-Metallic parts of the level sensor housing should be wiped with a damp cloth once a month.
  • only the type e element specified in table 11 of GOST 31610.0-2014 (IEC 60079-0:2011) may be used as a power source for the level sensor.
  • it is Prohibited to replace the battery in explosive environments.
  • Protect the metal parts of the level sensor from collisions and friction to avoid the risk of ignition from friction sparks.
  • quickly and accurately measures fuel level;
  • performs measurements in liters and millimeters;
  • records the date and time of measurements;
  • stores information across the entire fleet;
  • uploads measurement data to the PC.

The sensor for monitoring the unloading of garbage containers is designed to identify unloaded containers and determine the fact and time of their unloading.

The sensor works with containers that are unloaded by overturning (overturning).

The sensor counts the number of container unloads for a given period of time.

Water leak detector SP-1 is:

  • A household appliance designed and manufactured to industrial standards.
  • Lifetime warranty, with a service life of 7 years.
  • Work from one set of batteries up to 10 years.

Batteries are not included with the water leak detector and must be purchased separately.

With the help of a radio tag, you can monitor the presence of objects in the PRS reception area: cars in the garage, cars approaching for unloading, etc.

The RM-01 radio tag can be used for identification:

  • trailers and semi-trailers;
  • mounted tools and tools;
  • other replaceable devices and mechanisms.
  • Power supply of the radio tag: ER14250 battery - 3.6 V, 1200 mAh
  • Data transmission distance: up to 30 m

With the help of a radio tag, you can monitor the presence of objects in the PRS reception area: cars in the garage, cars approaching for unloading, etc.

The DU-R1 radio tag can be used for identification:

  • trailers and semi-trailers;
  • mounted tools and tools;
  • other replaceable devices and mechanisms.
  • Power supply of the radio tag: ER14250 battery - 3.6 V, 1200 mAh
  • Data transmission distance: up to 30 m


We are pleased to inform You that the official website of LLC Alpha has been renovated and updated. It is possible to find all the information about the list of services provided by our company, to see the range of our product catalog.
GITEX 2019 exhibition held in Dubai was the first international exhibition which introduced us features of the foreign markets. We would like to thank our partner – Gurtam Company for opportunity to work with them.
We sincerely congratulate the Gurtam - our technology partners, as well as just good friends with conquest of one of the tops of telematics Olympus - reaching the mark of 2 million objects on Wialon!